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We are a missionary base centered in worship, intercession day and night and acts of justice. We are planted around of Vila Mimosa, the largest open air prostitution zone of Rio de Janeiro.

God is raising a global prayer movement and restoring the identity of the church as a House of Prayer (Is 56:7). Far beyond a prayer meeting, God's desire is to restore a place where He is Worship day and night as it is in heaven (Rv 5:8) 

Our goal is to make it possible and incessant to awake and encourage the Body of Christ to live a life of surrender and devotion bringing transformation in our nation and accelerating the Second Coming of Jesus.  (II Peter 3: 12)





Today we have a team with 15 full time intercessory missionaries, we have some musicians, singers, and they also give their times to works in other areas that make possible stay opened our missionary base like managerial área.We are open for 30hours weekly and we are working to raise and awake the Church of Christ to develop a culture of prayer through schools, seminars and conferences.


We believe that our partnership with prayer pull us to cooperate with the Great Comission throught the acts of justice.  Therefore, our missionary base is dadicated to evangelize and disciple the neighborhood around the Vila mimosa throught projects like: back up classes, cultural projects, creative evangelism and prayer meeting at the neighbors house. Our goal is prevent the prostitution culture showing them his dignitity thought the Father's eyes** [, while we are peacemakers of every injustice.

House of Player

Since 2014 / Raising up a dwelling place for The Lord in Rio de Janeiro. 

Come and visit us!

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